Policy of Use of the Platform Namakit.com
This directory is committed to promoting entrepreneurship and business under the Green Red Orange Standard of the African/World Renaissance and sustainable development. Therefore, the Subscriber agrees to:
- Respect workers’ rights and not employ children.
- Upload pictures focused on the products
- If people are inside, make sure that they have their natural hairÂ
Shared Vision
Entrepreneurship is not reduced to adding values (to) or selling services/products. It is first marketing or highlighting an ethics or concepts favorable to harmonious development and social wellbeing. Â To achieve this noble goal, we must meet the standards enabling sustainable development, enhancing win/win partnership, technological transfer and clean industrialization. Our services, therefore, facilitate the implementation of a Green World Order.
Since centuries, Africa has been at the heart of the stakes of the emergence of a new civilization. Considering the challenges facing humanity today, the continent is called to lead the establishment of a fair order. This is the main reason why, while registering companies, we raise awareness, educate and advocate participative development.
Professionals are encouraged to adopt and promote symbols/attitudes which reinforce sovereignty, unity and contribute to an authentic global progress. For instance, they should always give priority to their African names, we recommend to write with the black, green or red pen.
We prompt companies to point up the colors and designs symbolizing the world revival/rebirth when creating their logos/emblems, when choosing their working material/tools, when decorating their offices, when promoting their products/services, when organizing meetings/conferences/fairs, etc.
For more enlightenment, here is an insight of the messages conveyed by colors:
Green: Hope, life and faith (the tropical forests produce the oxygen necessary to hold back the perverse effects of pollution and global warming)
Red: Love                  Â
Black: Power, beauty and discretion
Yellow: Sun, solar radiations, desert…
Orange, color of the earth, of emergence of the civilization of the 3rd millennium and of stable families/homes
Blue: imperialism
There are many other colors like the white (…), pink, etc.
For us, what really matters is to engage Entrepreneurs in a construction that renews mentalities, changes paradigms, enables fair trade, equitable partnership as well as balanced/sustainable development of the world.